Queensland’s finest boats celebrated in stunning new photographic collection
Queensland’s unique boating history is being celebrated in a stunning new photographic collection featuring a fleet of beautiful wooden boats of all sizes and vintages. The latest volume in a series of works by lifelong wooden boat enthusiast Andrew Harper captures amazing imagery and…
The Shipwreck: The True Story of the Dunbar
Everyone has heard of the Dunbar shipwreck, and we’ve all seen the great sailing clipper’s anchor at the Dunbar memorial The Gap at Watsons Bay. Now, in new book, The Shipwreck: The True Story of the Dunbar, the Disaster That Broke the Colony’s Heart…
Blue Water Classics – Portraits of the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race
Blue Water Classics – Portraits of the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is a book on Australia’s most famous blue water classic, the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race that has become a best seller and collector’s item for anyone who has an interest in…
The Hunt Collection
Main photo: Young soldiers who just enlisted in Lismore, being taken downriver on the Captain T Fenwick to get a steamer to Sydney and then off to WWI. The Hunt Collection is a stunning hardcover, glossy print book containing dozens of beautifully…
Book: Clare
The Incredible Story of a Western Australian Built Wooden Ketch by Nigel Ridgway with Aileen Ridgway and Lanie Verboon Nigel traces the history of the Western Australian built ketch, Clare, in this delightful little book. With contributions from the logbooks of his wife, Aileen…
Book: The Battle of Sydney Harbour 1942
The Battle of Sydney Harbour 1942 by Peter Grose Illustrations by Gary Jackson Any interest in History is a bit like time travel. You read about a time and place and your imagination can often help you visualise what it must have been like.
Book Review: The Australian seagoing tug Waratah – a new century of steam
By Mori Flapan Available from Sydney Heritage Fleet Online Store $19.95 Reviewed by Randi Svensen* As someone who spent nearly a decade researching and writing the history of Australia’s tugboats, I have Mori Flapan to thank for making my own book…
The Tradition Lives On – A Register of the Historic Couta Boats
In a letter written to Liz Gibson, the current custodian of the Lacco built, 19 foot Couta Boat Mercury C22 that is moored at Sorrento on Port Phillip Victoria, the boat’s earlier custodian Roy Hoffert recorded the moment he first sighted her in the…
Tenpin takes to the water with his brushes
Patrick Bollen, an accomplished competitive sailor, offshore yacht master and sea captain, has added another string to his bow as a maritime artist. Since making his debut as a painter in 2018 he has focused on competitive racing yachts. Bollen draws on a nautical…
Book: Better Boating Blunders
Those suffering the merest hint of desire to go seafaring in their own boat will learn from these heartbreaking but hilarious tales of what can go wrong. Read the secrets of successfully leaving moorings with topsides unmarked, miraculously happening upon your destination and for…
Book: Sailing misadventures
Three men find it’s a surprisingly long way to sail from the Philippines to Thailand in a 48 foot catamaran. Hugh Brown is a writer, sailor and surfer. His latest two books are, Sailing Misadventures. Whatever can go wrong, will go…
Book: Water Access Only
More Tales and Adventures from Pittwater where the only way to get home is by boat. Edited and published by Juliette Robertson and Carol Beth Floyd. Main photo: Church Point Lights by Jordon Robertson-Towner … James spotted the…