This year’s BBQ Cruise will be the 21st time an informal group of yachts has made the 420nm passage to Lord Howe Island. What started as a casual suggestion has now become an institution of the East Coast offshore calendar.

The event – which has no official organization or home club – came about in 2002 when more yachts wished to participate in the Gosford-Lord Howe Island Yacht Race than could be accommodated on the limited number of moorings in the Lagoon.

Ironically, it was the race that discontinued soon after through lack of support while the informal event grew in popularity.

The cruise-in-company is open to all. There is no start time or date – skippers just choose the most convenient moment to head off into the Tasman.

The only fixed “appointment” is the evening BBQ held at Ned’s Beach on the second Tuesday after the Melbourne Cup. This year that falls on November 21.

The BBQ is a fund-raiser for the local school and has now generated more than $60,000 for the Central School. The P&C provide a feast of local food, including the legendary fresh kingfish. Visiting yachties, friends and families each contribute a donation for the night.

The fun starts at 5:00pm but please remember to bring your own drinks and glass-ware.

For further information contact: 0411 377 292