BOA Alert – Input Sought on Ferry Wharf Design
Opportunity to comment on the proposal to improve recreational vessel access to Ferry Wharves in Sydney Harbour
TfNSW are progressively upgrading all ferry wharves in Sydney Harbour to meet their obligations under the mobility requirements and make the wharves fully accessible. What this means is that floating pontoons and gangways will replace the current tidal steps.
General details of the program can be found at here
TfNSW has approached the Boat Owners Association (NSW) seeking input from recreational boaters of the features they would like to see incorporated into the new wharf design (landing areas, access ladders, bollards etc.)
While the main function of the wharf is to service a commuter ferry, TfNSW would like to investigate options to provide an area on the pontoon to allow the safe berthing of smaller vessels (provided it can be accommodated in the boundary of the pontoon).
The BOA would appreciate your comments on the proposals.
Please send any comments to Ken Cameron at no later than 5pm Thursday 25 November.
Ken Cameron
BOA Committee