The Bobbin Head Cruising Club Perpetual Fundraising Prop

In 2015, an old prop was found in the Clubroom cupboard (by Commodore Bruce Callaghan), polished up and timber mounted (by Past Commodore Roy Bowyer) to create – The BHCC Perpetual Fundraising Prop and confirm the statement that “Everything is of value”!
BHCC has a constitutional objective to hold an annual fundraising event and in doing so has become the longest community-based organisation to raise funds over many years for Cure Cancer Australia (CCA). The Club’s relationship with CCA began when the charity was still known as the Leo and Jenny Leukaemia Foundation. The club has raised more than $250,000; with an average membership of 65 boats – truly a little Club with a big heart!
The main fundraising initiative has always been to incorporate the use of members’ vessels – considering we are boating Club – and share the beautiful waterways that exist in the Hawkesbury River and Cowan Creek with family and friends, raising funds through raffles; silent and live auctions on the second Sunday in March.
Every year since the creation of the BHCC Perpetual Fundraising Prop, the successful bidder avoids being “shafted” by making the highest bid as a one-off tax-deductible donation to CCA. Their name is added to the prop to acknowledge their contribution and it can be displayed at their chosen location for a twelve-month period.
Most in the boating community have had many opportunities come through business and personal endeavours, so what better way to give back than to be able to support early career researchers with their opportunity. It is exciting to think that potentially the fundraising efforts could unlock unexplored, lifesaving research and, even more so, as it has become evident that there are numerous cancers now changing the life opportunities for many of our boating families, friends and acquaintances.
If you would like to know more about BHCC or interested in participating in our Annual Fundraising event in March, head over to our website and contact the Committee. BHCC is looking forward to seeing if this prop can still be “spinning” around in years to come!
Ngaire Callaghan