Have your say – Snapper Island

Public exhibition extended to 12 February 2021
Have your say – Snapper Island Discussion Paper
The Harbour Trust is seeking feedback on a discussion paper for Snapper Island, Sydney Harbour, and a supporting draft (non-statutory) Conservation Management Plan.
Documents are available to view online at harbourtrust.gov.au or in hardcopy at (during office hours) at the Harbour Trust office (28 Best Avenue, Mosman) and Cockatoo Island, Sydney Harbour.
All submissions received will be treated as public documents and will be considered as part of the Harbour Trust’s planning assessment process.
Have your say about Snapper Island, and the Discussion Paper and draft CMP, by Friday 12 February 2021.
For further information, please visit www.harbourtrust.gov.au or phone (02) 8969 2100.