Boaters across NSW will again be able to dispose of their expired flares safely and easily with 46 collection points launching this month.

This year, the NSW Maritime collection program will increase from two to three stages, with mobile collections up and down the NSW coast from 20 to 30 November,  8 to 17 January next year and 1 to 18 April.

“Expired flares are classified as Class 1 explosives under the Australian Dangerous Goods Code and require authorised disposal,” NSW Maritime Executive Director Mark Hutchings said.

“Flares are to be used when you’re in trouble. They provide an exact location for searching aircraft or vessels and they are only to be lit when rescuers are in view,” he said.

“Most flares have a use-by date of three years and they must be replaced before the expiry date, with penalties applicable for those found to be using or carrying expired flares.

“This collection program provides the boating community with an opportunity to safely dispose of their out of date flares, particularly as flare collection is not permitted at service centres, registries or maritime sites.”

Mr Hutchings said flares were an important component of required safety equipment.

NSW Maritime Boating Education Officers will be available to assist boaters at some of the flare collection points, with advice on flares and other safety equipment such as lifejacket servicing and to answer any questions about boating safety rules.

NSW Maritime expired flare collections will be provided from Monday 20 November to Monday 30 November with locations listed at the link below.

For more information on the expired flares program or to look up a location near you, visit