$50 can change a young person’s future
Optimism is the key to facing a future without limits and a donation to the Making Waves Foundation (formerly Sailors With Disabilities) can change a life.
$50 helps our volunteers to mentor and create optimism through sailing. Your investment will be working hard to make a difference to a young Australian’s future.
People who participate in our FREE sailing programs find their freedom on the waves. Freedom to be a person first, to be included in society. Freedom not to be underestimated and judged by their disability or disadvantage.
We aren’t government funded and we need your help. There are 19 more days until the end of the financial year, please go to our website and pledge your tax deductible support.
Lifting Lockdown on Optimism – Episode 3
Through COVID-19 lockdown we have saved our usual $50 spends on travel money, petrol, and tolls to name but a few. Your $50 investment today will contribute to our programs tomorrow.
Go to www.makingwavesfoundation.com.au/donate or call 0421 725 170 to make your tax deductible investment before June 30.
I thank you for your support,