Victoria eases boating restrictions
The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has advised that outdoor activities involving groups under 10 people can take place from midnight Tuesday 12 May.
This means that with social distancing in place, boating can return to Victorian Waters.
The Premier specifically said “You can go out in your tinny, so long as you practice social distancing”, during his 11am press conference this morning (11 May).
Our understanding is that this extends to all forms of boating whether it be tow sport related, sailing (small crews), fishing, cruising or just going to a marina berthed vessel (however not for overnight stays and without clubhouses being opened). We would assume also that charter and tourism activities that can provide social distancing on board, and keep groups under 10, should be good to resume.
Validating this is a comment from the Boating Minister on her Facebook page as follows – Jaala Pulford MP – “For the avoidance of doubt, fishing and boating are allowed, so long as appropriate physical distancing is maintained”.
BIAV has been calling for this progress for some weeks now and we are delighted that the Premier has made this announcement today, as part of the first step toward recovery. To read the Premier’s announcement, which we applaud, please click here.
We thank the Premier, the Boating and Fishing Minister Jaala Pulford, the Better Boating Victoria CEO Gary Gaffney, and all other government officials that have worked toward this step being reached. We also acknowledge the efforts of all industry and boating community members that have acted in the interests of this happening.
BIAV encourages all members of the boating community to act sensibly, to follow the social distancing requirements, adopt heightened hygiene measures, and stay safe as you return to Victoria’s magnificent waterways.