The Australian National Maritime Museum’s Classic and Wooden Boat Festival has unfortunately been cancelled this year due to COVID-19. However the ANMM has arranged for the CWBF Talks to go virtual and they are all FREE!

The ANMM invites you to join them for this treat over the next three weeks. The talks will be held on three consecutive Thursdays, starting this week 14/5/2020 and will run from 7.30–8.30pm. Each talk includes talented experts in their field.


ThursDAY 14 May  –  Rot to Ritz

There are a multitude of decisions to make on any heritage vessel project – restoration, rebuilding, replicating and many more. Two people with a huge number of projects under their belts share their stories about heritage vessel works.

ThursDAY 21 May  – Seclusion at Sea

We think physical distancing and quarantine measures today are challenging. Imagine being at sea for months on end, alone or with the same group of people sailing in some of the world’s most dangerous oceans – how would you manage?

ThursDAY 28 May  – Famous Racing Yachts

Restricted 21-Foot Class Racing Yachts were the mainstay of Australian yachting between the two world wars, and some still exist today. Join this virtual talk to hear three expert presenters from around Australia.

If you have any questions for the speakers, please email them to before the talks.

You can find out more information  on the ANMM website:

Facebook event listing all three talks:

Facebook event listing the first talk – ‘Rot to Ritz’:

Registration is essential for each talk: