Users of Pittwater waterways are invited to join the Pittwater User Group (PUG).

PUG meets every three months in early Feb/May/August & November.

Attendees at meetings include RMS Maritime, Marine Rescue, Water Police, Northern Beaches Council, Marinas, Sailing Clubs, local associations and commercial operators.

A big push in 2019 was to instigate a revamp of the existing RMS Maritime DON’T MAKE WAVES brochure to reflect some important changes needed to make it legally correct.

Also to make reference to the Marine Legislation which states a maximum fine of 50 Penalty Points for violation – which currently equates to $5,500.

Concurrently to also have any NO WASH signs amended to REDUCE WASH since any boat moving through the water creates Wash.

What is crucial is that any Wash must not create danger, damage or injury to persons, rigs or shoreline.

RMS Maritime has produced an amended brochure with more explanatory pictures, less words + a link to the legislation & particularly highlighting the fine.

The current brochure is viewable at

The PUG also covers many issues and concerns relevant to the use of the Pittwater waterways.

The face to face attendance of the major regulators and feedback to our local State Government Member  is of enormous benefit.

Anyone interested in joining – please contact

Rohan Walter