Transport for NSW advises the Batemans Bay Bridge lift span will resume normal operations effective immediately as essential networks reopen following bushfires.

NSW Maritime Acting Executive Director, Mark Hutchings, said tall boats will be able to access the Clyde River as of today with the bridge lift span operating as normal. 

“We would like to thank the community for their patience while the bridge remained down to allow access for essential services,” Mr Hutchings said.

“The decision to reopen the bridge to tall boats was made in conjunction with emergency services, maritime and stakeholders as the risks from bushfires subside and to reinstate essential services to the community.

“Boats will be able to pass under the bridge at the usual opening times of 11.45am and 2.20pm.”

Transport for NSW Regional Director Southern Sam Knight said road users and boaters are advised that the operation of the bridge lift span could be stopped again at the request of emergency services.

“While we appreciate the inconvenience to boaters, the number one priority remains safety and we continue to work very closely with the Rural Fire Service and NSW Police in assisting their current efforts,” Ms Knight said.

“Access to Batemans Bay via the Kings Highway has now reopened but motorists are reminded to exercise caution in the area and to follow the directions of emergency services and traffic crews in the area.”

Boaters should visit Batemans Bay Bridge opening times webpage for further information

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